The August 2018 ProVisions

The August issue of ProVisions, our monthly ProAssurance healthcare professional liability newsletter for agents, was emailed today and is posted to the Secure Services Portal (SSP).

Articles in the issue include: 

> A Word from CMO Jeff Bowlby: Merit Badges

> THE HOMEPAGE The Missing Sock Campaign

> SPOTLIGHT ON RISK RESOURCE Accredited with Commendation

> SALES TIPS FROM THE “OLD SCHOOL” Patches, Ribbons, Ranks, and Badges

> Newly Updated Marketing Materials

> ProAssurance Financial Ratings

> Publicly Traded: A Higher Standard for Transparency

> Merit Badge Advantage: ProAssurance

> Designations Merit a Second Glance

> Employer of Choice and Partner of the Year: PICA Rules!

> 10 Industry Articles to Assist Your Knowledge

Visit the ProVisions page within the agents’ section of the SSP to read this or past issues.

Agents not currently receiving ProVisions by email, please let us know.