Senior Care

The ProAssurance Senior Care team is dedicated to the sector and offers stock and custom insurance solutions. We are willing to write the full spectrum of senior care, from independent living to skilled nursing. Our appetite is flexible and each account is underwritten based on its own merits. We work with you to tailor solutions that meet your client's specific risk tolerance and objectives. Our aim is to provide sustainable solutions over the long term. We offer quick turnarounds and a creative underwriting team that listens to your client's needs.

The ProAssurance Senior Care team understands every aspect of medical and facility liability from underwriting, to risk management, to claims. Our tailor-made coverage and risk management resources help your clients manage claim exposure in this long-tail severity insurance market.

Preferred Business

  • Continuing care retirement communities
  • Skilled nursing and rehabilitation facilities
  • Assisted living and memory care
  • Independent living and senior apartments

Preferred characteristics

  • Established operators with stable ownership, exposure, and claims history
  • Run by non-profit operators
  • Operating in favorable legal jurisdictions

Managing Senior Care Liability Claims

ProAssurance Senior Care claims are managed through a carefully-established Senior Care Claims Team. This team is composed of senior care liability professionals working with national counsel to offer insight and strategies learned from managing senior care claims of all types and sizes.

Meet the Senior Care claims team

Senior Care Risk Management

Senior Care insureds receive risk management support at no additional charge, including access to:

  • Risk consultants available for consultation via phone and email
  • Risk publications covering exposure trends, articles, data, and senior care claim studies
  • Onsite/virtual risk management assessments are available upon request

View Senior Care risk management tools



Contact Us

Mike Iovine
Vice President, 
Miscellaneous Medical and
Senior Living Programs

Senior Care Core Business Fact Sheet

ProAssurance Senior Care core business flyer 

Download the flyer
*Agent/broker use only

Service Center

Make a Payment
Frequently Downloaded Forms
Report a Claim
Apply for Coverage


The Service Center Credentialing Team can assist you with your requests for Certificates of Insurance (COI) and adding new COI holders.
Phone: 877-274-7007
Fax: 205-868-4073

For dental requests, email

Secure Services Portal (SSP) Options

Insureds with a SSP account can download or print COIs or request to add new COI holders. Sign in to the SSP or Create an Account.